Last up-date: June 2010
Hoogstraat 26 5872 AD Broekhuizen The Netherlands tel: +31 77 4632132
The Mexican choreographer Jorge Dominguez Cerda who recently received the
Premio Nacional de Danza José Limón 2010, has invited me to design the settings and costumes of his next work.
Proposition for an exhibition at museum El Cubo CECUT in Tijuana
MOSAIC WALL Designed and realized by Frans Smeets and Isabelle Smeets in a
renowned private garden in Bedburg-Hau, Germany.
A watch-tower of nothingness a research project for Het Raam, 1e phase
presented in a book
Djerassi Resident Artists Program USA, selected but placed on alternate
status for 2010
Granted TIJLFUND managed by the Prins Bernhard Culture Foundation
1999 KLAUS URBONS Review written by Klaus Urbons i.a. about my work.
He founded The Museum for Photocopy in Mulheim, Germany
2006 ABC newspaper Review is written in Spanish